Mental Health Specialist

Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice
Sudhir R. Gogu, DO, PhD, MBA
Urgent Care and Family Practice located in Stone Oak, San Antonio, TX
Almost 20% of adults in America have a mental illness today. Your mental health is a critical part of your general health and wellness, and Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice in San Antonio understands and respects that. Compassionate and experienced physician Sudhir Gogu, DO, PhD, MBA, performs basic psychiatric screenings and provides personalized counseling to help you reclaim the wellness you deserve. Caring support is waiting for you, so just call the office or use the appointment tool anytime.
Mental Health
What are the most common mental health concerns today?
There are hundreds of different specific mental illnesses, but anxiety and depressive disorders are among the most common in the world.
Anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder can trigger symptoms like persistent and oppressive worry, being on-edge, concentration problems, and sleeplessness. In some anxiety disorders, like panic disorder, the anxiety could be so bad that it causes chest pain, heart palpitations, and other frightening symptoms.
Depressive disorders
Depressive disorders such as major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and seasonal affective disorder can cause symptoms like loss of interest in your life, powerful feelings of hopelessness, irritability, morbid thoughts, withdrawing from your loved ones, lethargy, sleep changes, and weight changes.
There are also many other mental health disorders that can cause depression, anxiety, and similar symptoms. Dr. Gogu can perform a basic psychological screening and discuss your concerns and issues with you to determine the next step if you need help.
When should I seek mental health help?
No matter how it might appear on social media, everybody goes through occasional sad, stressed, or unhappy times. It’s normal to not be happy 100% of the time. But, if you feel like you’re having more bad days than good, if you feel like your life is out of control, or if you just don’t feel like yourself anymore, you could be suffering from mental health issues like anxiety or depression.
It’s easy to reach out to Dr. Gogu to get his expert professional opinion. He takes a compassionate and non judgemental approach because he wants you to feel comfortable and supported while you’re at Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice. Don’t hesitate to get the psychological screening you need, because it could make the difference between continued misery and feeling happy and healthy again.
What does mental health care encompass in a family practice?
As a family practice provider, Dr. Gogu has experience with mental health care for all ages. He can help you or your child with diagnosis, counseling, medication, and referrals to mental health experts like psychologists or psychiatrists if needed.
Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice offers affordable, convenient, and empathetic mental health care in San Antonio, so don’t hesitate to call or book online now.
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